Archive for June, 2015


Friday, June 5th, 2015

From Friday Mom – Erin:

Charlotte thinks her big brother is hilarious.

She started full-time at day care this week, which means that I pile them into the back seat each morning, schlep them into school, and leave them each in the caring and comforting arms of their teachers. Daddy has the unenviable job of collecting them at the end of the day, in the midst of the witching hour, and getting them home, fed, and entertained until bedtime. As I mentioned previously, it is, at best, a carefully orchestrated exercise in managed chaos.

Luckily, it is going very well. Charlotte has been extremely happy and smiley throughout the days. She continues to eat well and is settling into a reasonably consistent (albeit slightly sporadic) napping routine.

Rory and Charlotte chat a little bit with each other each morning, though the car ride is typically punctuated with Rory’s observations of his passing surroundings: Trucks, construction sites, and “mommy, what’s THAT?” He kisses her goodbye and runs off into his classroom, ready to start the day.

The best part of this first week of our new normal, by far, has been watching Rory entertain Charlotte each evening. By the time I get home daddy usually has the kiddos camped out either in the family room or the playroom. Rory has started playing actively with Charlotte, encouraging her when she’s on her play mat and tickling her when she is reclined in her bouncy seat. And she loves it. On Wednesday evening, she spent a solid twenty minutes giggling gleefully at his antics. Dancing, singing, you name it, she giggled at it.

She’s not a big laugher. She chuckles now and again, but is usually fairly reserved. Which makes this reaction that much more enjoyable for all of us.

As cliche as it is to say, those moments make the daily logistical struggles seem worthwhile. Watching Rory grow has taught me the awe of parenthood, and Charlotte’s development has reinforced those same feelings. But watching these two develop as a sibling pair is a new and added dimension that, although I’d understood in theory, I am only now starting to fully appreciate. Seeing the love they have for one another makes me love them even more– something I didn’t think was humanly possible.

Power Struggles

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

From Wednesday Mom – Janelle:
Parenting is a tough job.  Some days are easier than others and some days I feel clueless.  Once I figure out one challenge, another one will throw me for a loop.  This parenting cycle is how I have spent the last eight years.

Tate is my stronger-willed child. He can be so cute, funny, and sweet. But he is always feisty. His teachers have always told me he is quite a character (in a good way), and his coaches love having him on their team. I’m flattered he is so well liked. However, if he stands his ground on something, no matter how small, the conflict wears me thin.

I’ve been the main disciplinarian at our home, recently.  My husband is out of town working for days at a time. It is hard for me to stay strong and consistent when I’m constantly in power struggles with Tate.  My patience is running thin, and by late in the day, I have to take my own timeouts.

When my husband is gone, I’m forced to be a single mother of two. It is a very intense balancing act of caring for my kids and tight schedules. When we need to be somewhere at a specific time, Tate decides that his Lego creation or snack is more important. He believes everything is on “Tate time.” When things get heated I struggle to keep my composure.

When my husband is home, he is very helpful, especially with discipline. But on a daily basis, I still do the heavy lifting in the parenting department. We have spoken at length about our Tate. He has improved and matured over the last school year. I know he is going to improve as he grows up. When all is said and done, even when Tate and I have a bad day together and he frustrates me, he still hugs me tight when I put him to bed and tells me how much he loves me. That is what keeps me going. His has a big heart, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Shifting Priorities

Monday, June 1st, 2015

From Monday Mom – Neetika:
Since I became a mom four years ago, I have been somewhat obsessively focused on parenthood. My husband and I made the decision for me to be at home full-time, and we’ve sort of never looked back. It’s a system that really works for us. We like having an adult household member home to take care of the children, the house and other domestic-type chores. We don’t enjoy the loss of my income, but it’s a trade-off. Transitioning from a highly educated and highly productive member of the workforce to simply “Mommy” has been interesting, but lately I’m wondering if the pendulum might soon swing in the other direction.

We’re gearing up for Haley to enter full-time school. Hudson is still a baby and will require full-time care for many more years. Yet having one child who is doing her own thing all day long really has me thinking about what my plans are for the future. For the past few years, I have dabbled in freelance writing (this blog being the most consistent and personally meaningful engagement), but in some ways, it’s something I’m disillusioned with. The internet has broadened writing opportunities greatly, but with so many voices out there, websites and editors are more interested in how buzz-worthy a piece is rather than if it actually has something compelling to say. I’m left wondering if I’ll pursue writing in a new form or take an entirely new path.

This situation is so distinct from when I was asking myself, “What am I going to do with my life?” in my early twenties. Back then the possibilities seemed endless. I don’t have vast amounts of time or resources to devote to a new enterprise because I have a family. But I don’t believe that being a mom means you’re cut off to new opportunities. It just means that whatever you explore will have to be worth it. I can’t wait to see where the next chapter takes me.