Posts Tagged ‘back talk’

Talking Back

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

From Wednesday Mom – Janelle:
Since Tate was a baby, heโ€™s loved to express his feelings through words and emotions. He is very animated and loves to speak his mind. To this day, he can talk your ear off if you give him the time.

Tate also lacks a filter on his mouth. He says whatever is on his mind no matter how nice, or not so nice. He is slowly learning what is appropriate to say to me and say to others. He is learning the hard way.

The older Tate gets, the more he talks back to me. He is smart, and he knows how to push my buttons, especially in public. I don’t appreciate his antics, and I get red in the face when he acts out. My husband and I discipline Tate for his actions, and he usually regrets his outbursts. Just when he makes improvements, he has a bad day and regresses. Some days he apologizes and feels guilty, other days he has no remorse. When he is rested and in a good routine, he is better. I hope it improves before he is a teenager.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to my mother, who I know is reading this, for my rude words, attitude and stubborn outbursts from my youth. Karma is currently taking over. Please accept my apology ๐Ÿ™‚