Posts Tagged ‘bedtime stories’

Read to Me…

Friday, January 20th, 2012

From Friday Mom – Jaime:
I love to read. Even with all the time that I spend reading all day long, I still enjoy unwinding and relaxing with a good book where I can get lost in the story and characters. I love to write too, so the storytelling of other writers both fascinates and frustrates me (frustrating mostly when I catch typos that writers and editors both neglected to discover in the editing process)…

So I love that Andrew also seems to share my enthusiasm for reading. Right now he has memorized a handful of books and “reads” them to me. The other day, he told me to lay down in bed so he could read me to sleep. It was really cute, but also really cool that he would want to reverse our bedtime ritual so he could get in on the reading.

Andrew is currently obsessed with the Little Mister and Little Miss books we read when we were kids. It’s cool that he wants books instead of toys (occasionally – not always) as his presents from Bob the Bed Fairy. (Yes, Bob is still around. We haven’t kicked the crawling into our bed in the middle of the night habit yet).

Andrew likes to read the same books over and over again until he has them memorized and then tells US that we are reading the story wrong because he wants to tell the story HIS way. It’s hard to say no to reading to him, even when I can barely bring myself to re-read the same words one more time.

So, this brings me to the point of my post. I’m going to combine three things I love: writing, reading and my son. I’m going to write him some stories. Jaime originals. Yes, in all my free time. We’ll see how this goes – wish me luck!

Have a great weekend everyone