Posts Tagged ‘brothers and sisters’

Adjusting to two

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

It’s been one week and two days, and as a family we are all making adjustments being a family of four.  Tate William entered this world on July 5th.  He has lots of blonde hair just like his brother.  As a matter of fact, he resembles his brother in many ways.

Tate has been doing great!  He basically eats, sleeps and poops and falls right back to sleep.  He has been letting me sleep a lot more than I ever could have dreamed of.  Don’t get me wrong I’m still adjusting to the midnight snack screeches from across the house.

Jack has been doing a wonderful job as big brother.  I didn’t know quite how he would handle it, but so far he has been such a big helper, and I’m so proud of him.  He wants to hold Tate all the time, and he will get me anything I ask for.  I am hoping this lasts for years to come, but for now it’s so sweet to watch him help out.

We are so blessed to have Tate in our lives.  He has been a joy to have around, and I find myself staring at him all the time.  I know how fast they grow up, so I am cherishing every cry, every silly face and those big blue eyes when they are opened!  Off to another feeding…