Posts Tagged ‘Daddy time’

Splish Splash

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Andrew has been swimming since he was six months old. I think if the Y had let us bring him in the pool before then, hubby would have happily started their swim lessons earlier. The lessons have been great, in a number of different ways.

The kid has no fear of water. He loves to splash and jump in the pool. He’s gotten really good at putting his face in the water and blowing bubbles. More importantly, one of the first things they teach the kids is that when they get into the pool, they should turn around and come right back to the side. The idea is that if they learn it with us right there next to them, if they ever fall in the pool, they’ll come right to the side… (Hopefully Andrew will never need this skill)

The swim lessons have become part of our Saturday morning ritual. Daddy and Andrew go swimming. They get to spend some quality time together. And I usually sneak off and go work out while they’re doing their thing.

Now that Andrew’s three, he is in a class where he swims by himself. He still wears a bubble on his back, and there are teachers who help them swim, but daddy is no longer in the pool. I think that was more traumatic for hubby than Andrew.

He was worried that Andrew wouldn’t listen, that he wouldn’t wait hanging onto the wall for it to be his turn to swim… that he’d just be a total crab and whine the whole time he was in the pool.

It turns out that (so far) those fears have been unfounded. Andrew’s doing great. He even managed to wait for his turn to swim (mostly). I think hubby misses spending that time with Andrew in the pool though…

It’s great they still have that time together, even if things have changed a bit…

Have a great weekend everyone.