Posts Tagged ‘emergencies’

Tornado Warning

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

From Wednesday Mom: Janelle
Ever since we moved to Mississippi we have had our fair share of weather.  We have seen it all  – from hot, humid sun leaving us without power to cold and blustery snowfall, and  even a hurricane when we lived here 5 years ago.  Last night we experienced another severe thunderstorm that woke us up at 4:45am to tornado sirens.

My husband heard them first and alerted me to get dressed and gather flashlights, candles, baby food, water, etc.  We looked at the radar and saw that within a few minutes the severe storm was about to hit us and our entire town.  The giant purple blob on the screen was a little frightening.   I quickly scooped up the kids and hid in our “safe spot” in the laundry room.

Jack was delirious, confused, and scared all at the same time.  As we sat there huddled together in the laundry room I tried to explain to him what was happening and that we needed to be protected just in case we did get hit by one.  It is very hard to explain the severity of Mother Nature to a three year old.  He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just sleep through it, or watch through the window.  He was also concerned about what his friend/crush Kelsey was doing.  He asked if she was in her laundry room, too.  At least he kept the humor alive!

Luckily, we made it through safely with no damage.  Unfortunately, there were tornadoes reported in other areas of our state with damage.  I am so thankful that I’m not dealing with a whirlwind of a house like other people are.  Jack and Tate were good sports.  Practicing tornado drills when I was in elementary school finally came in handy.