Posts Tagged ‘hospitals’

Under the Knife

Friday, June 10th, 2016

From Friday Mom – Erin:
The day for Charlotte’s surgery has arrived. As I believe I mentioned previously, she was born with a small cyst above her eye that has grown over time. Her doctor recommended at her first birthday appointment that we get it taken care of by eighteen months.

So here we are.

One of the more interesting aspects has been getting Rory prepared for the different routine this morning. We told him all about how Charlotte would be going to the doctor and he’d be going to school. He understood.

We told him they would have to play upstairs because she can’t eat breakfast. He understood.

We told him she’d have a boo boo.  He understood.

He he was still shaken up when I left without him this morning, but I am very proud of my big boy.  Now to tend to the little one and give her extra big snuggles.