Posts Tagged ‘pres’

End of the School Year

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

From Wednesday Mom – Janelle:
This week marks the end of the school year for both Jack and Tate.  They both have learned so much over the last year. My husband and I couldn’t be happier.

I think back to Jack’s first day of school when tears filled my eyes.  We met his teacher, checked out his classroom and made sure he knew where to go.  It was an emotional day I’ll probably never forget.  I remember thinking “how in the world is my child in Kindergarten already?”  The day seemed so long and I wondered if he made new friends, if he was listening to his teachers and most of all, if he was enjoying school.  Three o’clock finally came and I was so excited to hear about his first day.  He jumped in the van all smiles and couldn’t stop telling me about learning centers, journal writing time, RECESS, friends he made at lunch and how nice his teacher was.  My worries subsided and I was relieved knowing he was going to do just fine.  Sure enough, Jack did a wonderful job in Kindergarten.  His report cards and behavior were excellent.

Thinking back to Tate’s first day of preschool brings back many memories, too.  He was a little scared at first, but quickly saw some toys and a friendly face to help him forget all about mommy.  I was experienced at dropping my children off at preschool before so I wasn’t quite as worried.  In fact, it was my first day in five or so years that I had the morning all to myself.   I knew the school, I knew most of the teachers, so I was confident Tate was in good hands.  Tate was happy to see me when I returned to pick him up.  He used his best words to describe his first day and from what I could understand he loved it.  Not everyday was as fun as others for Tate, but he made some great friends and learned many new things.  That was our goal and we achieved it.

All in all, we had a wonderful school year.  It’s crazy to think it’s ending already, but we are SUPER excited for our summer.  We’ll be visiting Pennsylvania, and soon enough I’ll be writing a post about going back to school in the fall.  Cheers to another successful school year and fun summer ahead.